Tom DeFerrari Piano Tuning and Servicing
Information on Looking for and Buying a Piano
If you are thinking about buying a new or used piano, I highly recommend The Piano Book by Larry Fine, a piano tuner-technician.
In the book, he tells what to look for in new and in used pianos, and information about how to maintain a piano. The book also has lots of information on how pianos are constructed, how they work, and the history of pianos and of the piano industry. It is very interesting reading, as well a very good resource for anyone thinking of buying a piano.
.New Pianos
For those thinking about buying a new piano, there is a large section that compares the various brands and models of pianos. Larry doesn't just rely on his own experience, but continually does surveys of other piano tuners and technicians to get their points of view.
.Used Pianos
For those looking to buy a used piano, Larry explains what to look for, including typical repairs and problems used pianos can have. He recommends that a prospective buyer have a piano tuner-technician appraise a used piano before buying it, and I agree. I do piano appraisals myself.
However, by carefully reading The Piano Book, the reader can learn enough to eliminate pianos that have major problems, saving the cost and inconvenience of having a piano tuner-technician appraise every piano they are interested in. Then, on the ones that look promising, have the tuner do a full appraisal.
.New or Used Pianos
One thing Larry stresses, and with which I fully agree, is that it is best to look at many pianos before making a choice. Get to know what is out there, and your own tastes, before making a decision. It can actually be a lot of fun, learning to discriminate between the various makes and types of pianos, their personalities, strengths and limits.
.Where to find
The book is available at most libraries and bookstores. In Centre County I know for sure there are copies at Pattee Library at PSU, Schlow library, and the Centre County Library in Bellefonte.
If you are looking at buying a used piano, the book's advice on what to look for doesn't change much and an older edition from the library is fine.
If you are looking at new pianos, I recommend buying his latest edition, or the most recent annual supplement, to get the latest information on the various makes and models of pianos. It is available at or can be ordered from most book stores, and also is available for ordering online at Larry Fine's website, www.pianobook.com
Copyright © 2009 Thomas DeFerrari